Update a contract record

Updates a contract record in CLM. The Name, Account, and Record Type fields are required update a contract.

You can also update the contract with these additional and custom fields.

  • Name

  • Account

  • RecordType

  • RecordOwner

  • Status

  • StatusCategory

  • Id

  • CreatedBy

  • CreatedDate

  • ModifiedBy

  • ModifiedDate

  • ExternalId

  • ActivatedBy

  • ActivatedDate

  • ContractCategory

  • ContractNumber

  • AmendmentEffectiveDate

  • AutoRenewConsent

  • AutoRenewTermMonths

  • AutoRenewalTerms

  • AutoRenewal

  • ContractEndDate

  • ContractNumber

  • ContractStartDate

  • Description

  • InitiationType

  • InternalRenewalNotificationDays

  • InternalRenewalStartDate

  • ParentContract

  • Perpetual

  • PrimaryContact

  • Opportunity

  • RemainingContractedDays

  • RenewalNoticeDate

  • RenewalNoticeDays

  • RetentionDate

  • RetentionPolicyId

  • Source

  • SpecialTerms

  • SubmitRequestMode

  • TermMonths

  • TerminationComments

  • TerminationDate

  • TerminationNoticeDays

  • TerminationNoticeIssueDate

  • TermType

  • TotalContractValue

  • ExecutedDate

  • Currency

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