Create a contract record

Creates a contract record in CLM. Name, Account, and Record Type are the required fields to create a contract.

CLM auto-populates the system fields, such as Status Category and Status fields, which help identify the current stage of the contract lifecycle.

The Status Category and Status fields are set to "Requested". The logged-in user is added to the RecordOwner field by default.

You can introduce these additional and custom fields to the contract.

  • Name
  • Account
  • RecordType
  • RecordOwner
  • Status
  • StatusCategory
  • Id
  • CreatedBy
  • CreatedDate
  • ModifiedBy
  • ModifiedDate
  • ExternalId
  • ActivatedBy
  • ActivatedDate
  • ContractCategory
  • ContractNumber
  • AmendmentEffectiveDate
  • AutoRenewConsent
  • AutoRenewTermMonths
  • AutoRenewalTerms
  • AutoRenewal
  • ContractEndDate
  • ContractNumber
  • ContractStartDate
  • Description
  • InitiationType
  • InternalRenewalNotificationDays
  • InternalRenewalStartDate
  • ParentContract
  • Perpetual
  • PrimaryContact
  • Opportunity
  • RemainingContractedDays
  • RenewalNoticeDate
  • RenewalNoticeDays
  • RetentionDate
  • RetentionPolicyId
  • Source
  • SpecialTerms
  • SubmitRequestMode
  • TermMonths
  • TerminationComments
  • TerminationDate
  • TerminationNoticeDays
  • TerminationNoticeIssueDate
  • TermType
  • TotalContractValue
  • ExecutedDate
  • Currency
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