JUMP TOApprovalsAdhocProcessDefine an ad hoc processpostGet an ad hoc processgetSave an ad hoc processpostResubmit an ad hoc processpostAd hoc process inflight editpostGet a submitted ad hoc processgetBackupAdminGet the backup administratorgetSave the backup administratorpostDelete the backup administratordeleteBackupDelegatesCreate or update backup or delegate approverspostList backup and delegate approversgetGet a backup or delegate approvergetDelete a backup or delegate approverdeleteCount backup and delegate approversgetActivate a backup or delegatepostDeactivate a backup or delegatepostBusinessObjectsList business object typesgetList all business objects' assignee type valuesgetList a business object's assignee type valuesgetList a business object's custom user fieldsgetValidate a custom assigneepostList a business object's fieldsgetGet a business object's child typesgetList email templates for a business objectgetList email templates for a business objectgetList email templates for a business objectgetList email templates for a business objectgetList a business object's processesgetReorder an approval process listpostGet a business object's rulesgetCount all of a business object's rulesgetProcessCreate an approval processpostSearch approval processesgetGet an approval processgetUpdate an approval processputDelete an approval processdeleteActivate an approval processpostDeactivate an approval processpostClone an approval processpostReorder a list of approval processespostGet this step's dependenciesgetList all step dependenciesgetUpdate an approval process step by IDputDelete an approval process stepdeleteReorder approval process stepspostGet approval process stepsgetActivate an approval process steppostDeactivate a process steppostCheck for a processgetCount active and inactive processesgetProcessStepsCreate an approval process steppostUpdate an approval process stepputGet an approval process stepgetCheck for a stepgetRequestsSubmit for approvalpostSubmit an approval asynchronouslypostGet an approval request statusgetPreview an approvalgetApprove a requestpostApprove requestspostReject an approval requestpostReject approval requestspostReassign requestspostEscalate an approval requestpostReassign an approval requestpostAdd an ad hoc approverputDelete an ad hoc approverdeleteComment on a request IDputCheck for objects requiring approvalpostProcess escalation reminder jobspostGet status for a context objectgetGet status for a context object's child objectgetRecall approval requestspostGet approval request commentsgetBulk business object operationspostGet an approval requestgetGet all requests for an assignee and objectgetTake ownership of a queued requestputRuleDimensionsSave an approval rule dimensionpostGet an approval rule dimensiongetUpdate an approval rule dimensionputDelete an approval rule dimensiondeleteRuleEntriesSave an approval rule entrypostGet an approval rule entrygetValidate a rule entry labelgetReorder rule entriespostRulesSave an approval rulepostSearch rulesgetGet an approval rulegetDelete an approval ruledeleteActivate an approval rulepostDeactivate an approval rulepostClone an approval rulepostGet rule entry dependenciesgetActivate an approval rule entrypostDeactivate an approval rule entrypostDelete an approval rule entrydeleteValidate a rule namegetSearchFiltersCreate or update a search filterpostGet all search filtersgetGet a search filter by IDgetDelete a search filter by IDdeleteActivate a search filterpostDeactivate a search filterpostValidate a search filter namegetSystemPropertiesGet system propertiesgetUpdate system propertiespostGet a custom configurationgetDelete a custom configurationdeleteCreate or update a custom configurationpostGet custom configurationsgetGet Approvals product settings for all business objectsgetGet email configurationgetCreate email configurationpostUpdate email configurationpatchUserDashboardCount user's approvalsgetGet user dashboard approval detailsgetUserGroupList user groupsgetCreate a user grouppostUpdate a user groupputGet a user group and its members by IDgetDelete a user group by IDdeleteList user group membersgetAdd a memberpostDelete a member by IDdeleteIngressStatusGet merge process statusgetMergeInitiate the merge workflowpostDownloadGenerate an internal URLpostDelete an URL mappingdeleteGenerate internal URLspostGet internal URLs' statusgetDownload a filegetDownload a custom-named filegeteSignatureESignatureCreate or update a configuration for a sign providerputGet sign provider configurationsgetDelete a sign provider configurationdeleteConfigure the sign provider's auth codeputCreate or update a sign provider callbackputGet a sign provider's callback configurationgetDelete a sign provider's callback configurationdeleteCreate a transaction for a sign providerpostSend a transaction for a sign providerpostGet transaction detailsgetGet the transaction-tagging URL for a sign providergetGet the signing URLgetGet transaction documentsgetGet a sign provider's transaction documentgetList supported sign providersgetList allowed signer typesgetList supported reminder frequenciesgetGet a sign provider's transaction settingsgetConga SignAccountDesignerSettingsRetrieves your current Designer settings. Retrieved values include any customizations you may have made, as well as any current default values.getUpdates your account Designer settings. This call can be used to implement either some of the settings that you wish to change, or to implement all of your changes.patchDeletes any Designer settings that you may have configured. Your Designer settings will be returned to their default values.deleteAccountEmailReminderSettingsRetrieves your current Email Reminder settings.getUpdates your account email reminder settings.patchDeletes any customized Account Email Reminder settings.deleteAccountFeatureSettingsRetrieves a list of all your current Backoffice Feature settings.getUpdates your Backoffice Feature settings with any or all changes. This call can be used to implement either some of the settings that you wish to change, or to implement all of your changes.patchDeletes and resets any customized Backoffice Feature settings.deleteAccountPackageSettingsRetrieves a list of all your current Backoffice Package SettingsgetUpdates your Backoffice Package settings with any or all changes. This call can be used to implement either some of the settings that you wish to change, or to implement all of your changespatchDeletes and resets any customized Backoffice Package settingsdeleteAccountRolesRetrieve account role informationgetCreate a new account rolepostUpdate an account roleputRetrieve an account rolegetDelete an account roledeleteRetrieve user IDs assigned to a rolegetGet the user's account rolesgetCreate a new account rolepostAccountSigningLogosAdd, update, or delete signing ceremony logosgetRetrieve an account's signing ceremony logospostAccountSigningThemeRetrieve a customized signing themegetCreate a customized signing themepostUpdate a customized signing themeputDelete customized signing themesdeleteAccountSigningUIOptionsRetrieve customized new signer experience settingsgetPatch custom signing UI optionspatchDelete customized new signer experience settingsdeleteApprovalCreate an approvalpostUpdate an approvalputRetrieve an approvalgetUpdate an approvalputDelete an existing approvaldeleteCreate a new field with an autogenerated name related to an existing approvalpostRetrieve an approval fieldgetUpdate a field related to an approvalputDelete a field from an approval.deleteRetrieve all signable approvalsgetAuthenticationTokensCreate a sender authentication tokenpostCreate a multi-use signer authentication tokenpostCreate a new single use signer authentication tokenpostCallbackRetrieves a list of all callbacks.getCreates a new callback.postRetrieves a list of callbacks for a specified connector.getCreates a new callback for a specified connector.postCustomerOnboardedGet Customer OnboardedgetCustomFieldsCreate a custom fieldpostList all custom fields. Query parameters "to" and "from" are expected to navigate pages.getUpdate a custom fieldputDelete a custom account field by IDdeleteRetrieve an account specified custom fieldgetDataManagementRetrieve the data management policy for the accountgetUpdate the account's data management policyputRetrieve the expiry configurations defined for the accountgetUpdate the expiry configurations defined for the accountputDocumentsRetrieve the specified documentgetUpdate a documentpostUpdate the specified documentputDelete a document from a packagedeleteRetrieve zipped documentsgetRetrieve document visibility informationgetUpdate document visibilitypostRetrieve an original PDF documentgetRetrieve a specific document in PDF formgetRetrieve a pagegetAdd a new document to an existing packagepostUpdate documentsputDelete multiple documents from a packagedeleteCreate a signature confirmationpostSign all documents in a packagepostApply a layout to a documentpostFileAttachmentDownload all attachmentsgetDownload all attachments for a specific rolegetDownload an attachmentgetAdd an attachmentpostDelete an attachment filedeleteDownload an attachmentgetCheck for a specific attachmentgetCheck for signer uploadsgetCheck for attachments and uploads by rolegetIdvWorkflowRetrieve the IDV authentication workflowgetCreate an IDV authentication workflow configurationpostUpdate IDV workflow configurationputDelete IDV workflow configurationdeleteInAppReportsRetrieve reports by date and typegetDelete the specified report files (csv)deleteRetrieve report summaries by date and report typegetRetrieve a report file (csv)getDelete a report file by ID (csv)deleteRetrieve zipped csv reportsgetLayoutList available layoutsgetCreate a new layoutpostNotificationRe-send a notification to a signerpostRe-send a notification to a signerpostSend an SMS notification to signers linked to a rolepostSend an SMS notification to signers linked to a rolepostSend mobile notificationpostOneSpanPackageList packagesgetOneSpanUrlRetrieves OneSpan BaseURL for different regionsgetPackageList packagesgetCreate a packagepostGet package informationgetUpdate a packageputDelete a packagedeleteGet package readinessgetGet package audit detailsgetSummarize package evidencegetList package fieldsget/v1/cs-packages/{packageId}/referencedConditionsgetRetrieve all approvals by signergetGet package signing statusgetGet package signature URLgetCreate packagespostRe-create a package or templatepostReminderRetrieve a package's reminder schedulegetCreate a reminder schedulepostUpdate a reminder scheduleputDelete a reminder scheduledeleteReportsReport this sender's usagegetReport completions by sendergetReport senders' usage for this accountgetRetrieve a usage report of transactionsgetReport transaction details for transactionIdgetReport current sender's usagegetRoleRetrieve all package rolesgetAdd new rolepostReorder package rolesputRetrieve a rolegetUpdate roles in the packageputDelete a roledeleteUnlock a rolepostRolesVerificationRetrieve information on verification types being usedgetUpdate an advanced verification methodputCreate advanced verificationpostDelete an advanced verification methoddeleteRetrieve advanced verification typesgetSenderList users in an accountgetCreate a userpostRetrieve a user's detailed account informationgetUpdate a sender's detailspostDelete a senderdeleteRetrieve a user's signaturegetUpload a signature imagepostDelete a signature imagedeleteReset password of senderpostSessionRetrieve session objectgetSubAccountsList sub-accountsgetList API keys for the current sub-account usergetList sub-accountsgetCreate a new sub-accountpostUpdate a sub-accountputVirtualRoomRetrieve a virtual room configurationgetUpdate a virtual room configurationputList masked fieldsgetDefine fields to be maskedpostAdd a masked fieldputDelete a masked fielddeleteList available virtual room recordingsgetFetch a video filegetPatch custom signing UI optionspatch https://rls.congacloud.com/api/sign/v1/cs-account/admin/accountSettings/signingUiOptionsRetrieves the customized Signing UI Options.