Initiates billing for different types of products based on the status of the Order Line Items (OLIs).
The API processes multiple OLIs with different statuses (New, Amend, Renew, Terminate, etc.) and groups them
accordingly. It then triggers the appropriate billing actions for each group based on the status of each OLI.
The grouping and billing actions are automatically handled based on the status, making it easier for the user to
initiate billing for various types of changes in the order.
- New Products: Billing will be initiated as a new sale.
- Amendments: Billing will be triggered based on the amended order line item details.
- Renewals: Billing will be initiated for recurring products based on renewal details.
- Terminations: Billing will be handled based on the termination of the product.
- Swap Products: Billing will be initiated based on the swapped product details.